Impact of rhinosinusitis symptoms on patients' self-esteem before and after FESS
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 6
Introduction: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is one of the most common diseases in Polish society. According to the European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS) 2012 the incidence of CRS among European and US citizens varies from 5 to 16%. Its treatment is based on pharmacotherapy or surgical procedure. The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation between general health condition of the patients with CRS with each symptom of the disease before and after Functional Endonasal Sinus Surgery (FESS) procedure. Materials and method s: The study was conducted on 100 patients, who evaluated symptoms and general health condition twice – before and after FESS, by means of visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: Before FESS the highest severity among all symptoms concerned the nasal blockade and olfactory disorders, while after the procedure this ratio was found to be the opposite. All results were statistically significant ( p < 0.05). Conclusions: The authors emphasize a great role of general health assessment in patients with CRS as the element of proper diagnosis and better comprehension of patients' needs. They indicate that the patient's estimation of the disease and its symptoms differs from the clinician's interpretation to much extent.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Wardas, Jarosław Markowski, Agnieszka Piotrowska-Seweryn , Aleksandra Ślaska-Kaspera, Beata Łatacz, Wiesława Kołodziej
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