Implementasi Location Based Service Rute Objek Wisata Tegal
Journal Title: Jurnal INFOTEL - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 2
Tegal is one of area in Central Java which has many tourism place be managed by Government or private parties. Many tourists from tegal who are confused to decide on appropriate visiting tourist spots, this is due to lack of information about that. Location-based services system or better known as Location Based Service (LBS) is a service offered through mobile phones by considering geographical location of these devices. Because LBS is highly dependent on the location of the mobile user, The main purpose of the service provider system is to determine where the user is located. An LBS can show places such as restaurants, gas stations, hospitals and tourism spots closest to the user. By using LBS then the tourists will be facilitated in determining tourist destinations in the city and district of Tegal based on the user's location using the Google Maps API V2. Implementation of Location Based Service for mapping tourism spot of Tegal can provide information about tourist sites, the coordinates and other supporting information about tourism spot in Tegal
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