Indications and contraindications for treatment of marital/couples therapy

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2010, Vol 155, Issue 4


Summary In numerous studies on the marital therapy it is highlighted that the successful achievements depend largely on the criteria of qualification for therapy. It is recommended that during the first consultation, the therapist properly evaluates whether a married couple meets the conditions to take the marital therapy. Insufficient motivation for changing the relationships and behaviour, the threat of divorce, use of violence, deep emotional and/or psychological disturbances on behalf of one or both spouses, or finally involvement in an extramarital relationship are just some of the contraindications to the therapy, as referred to in the article. In addition to the factors that hinder or prevent the conduct of the therapy that lay on the side of the couple, the author draws attention to the characteristics, beliefs, stance, attitude, the way of engagement and the personal experience of the therapist, that can help or hinder and interfere with the therapy. Discussion on the field of indications and contraindications for the marital/couples therapy is a starting point to create a plan for the first consultation of a marriage in crisis and the conclusion for the therapy contract or referral of spouses to other professionals who are adequate to a given situation.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Wolska


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How To Cite

Małgorzata Wolska (2010). Indications and contraindications for treatment of marital/couples therapy. Psychoterapia, 155(4), 73-81.