Individual psychotherapy of cachectic patient with anorexia nervosa in conditions of in-patient psychiatric unit — case report

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2013, Vol 166, Issue 3


The article presents the process of individual psychotherapy of cachectic patient with chronic anorexia nervosa. The therapy was conducted in conditions of the in-patient psychiatric ward for adolescents as a part of treatment during the twenty-four-hour hospitalisation. Understanding of the patient psychopathology as well as phenomena appearing in the time of the psychotherapy process were described in the psychodynamic paradigm. Basic difficulties met by the therapist of chronic patients with eating disorders are mentioned. Particular attention is paid to the situation when the psychotherapy takes place within the in-patient unit and thereupon as integral part of hospitalization has to be only a short episode in the broader plan of long-term treatment.

Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Ślosarczyk


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How To Cite

Mariusz Ślosarczyk (2013). Individual psychotherapy of cachectic patient with anorexia nervosa in conditions of in-patient psychiatric unit — case report. Psychoterapia, 166(3), 71-78.