The perspective of logotheory –help in understanding humans searching for meaning.
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2014, Vol 171, Issue 4
ObjectivesThe inspiration to write this article was a conversation between the author of the text and the man who deems himself homosexual. At the same time his relationship with God is of great value for him. He understands this relationship according to the teaching of the Catholic Church. Having heard the story about the man’s life, the author searches for the answer to the following question: which theoretical perspective could help to deepen the understanding of his experience, while keeping the respectful approach towards its various aspects.MethodsThe author takes the hermeneutic approach while reflecting upon the content of the story she had listened to and the works of V.E. Frankl.ResultsThe author reaches the conclusion that logotheory meets her expectations regarding the understanding of the subject’s experience in a sufficient way. The perspective shows the unique and individual nature of his experience. During different periods of his life, he has faced with the tension between practicing his faith and various desires connected with his homosexuality. In the context of logotheory, this tension may be considered as the area of personal search for meaning.ConclusionsThis theory, relating to various areas of human existence, emphasizes the importance of the search for meaning. This process is inevitably linked with some kind of tension, which is called noo-dynamics. The perspective described in logotheory is connected with an attitude of respect to the spiritual area of people's experience; and it prevents us from ontological reductionism.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Salamon
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