Influence of Different Levels of Xylanase Enzyme on Performance, 77 Litter Quality and Economics of Broiler Chicken
Journal Title: International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 3
An experiment was carried out on 300 one day old straight run commercial broiler chicks to assess the effect of different levels of xylanase enzyme on performance parameters. The experimental design consists of 4 treatment groups with three replicates consisting of 25 birds per replicate. Treatment group A served as control diet. The ration was prepared with reduced energy (-100 kcal/kg) for treatment group B without addition of xylanase as negative control. The treatment groups C and D rations were prepared with reduced energy by 100 kcal/kg and supplementation of xylanase enzyme @ 60 and 100 g/ton of feed respectively. The results revealed significantly higher cumulative weight gain for xylanase supplemented groups compared with non supplemented groups. Significantly higher cumulative feed consumption was observed for the birds reared on negative control ration (-100 Kcal/kg) treatment group B. Xylanase supplemented groups revealed significantly better FCR compared to negative control group. Significantly higher mortality was noted in negative control group. Highly significant k9differences were observed for moisture content and pH of litter among various treatment groups. The net profit per Kg live weight was highest for treatment group D supplemented with xylanase at 100g/ton of feed. Overall results in the present study concluded that supplementation of xylanase enzyme @ 100 g/ton of feed in broiler ration is more beneficial in higher fiber containing diets for improvement of performance, livability, litter quality and profitability in commercial broiler chicken.
Authors and Affiliations
D. S. Gade, M. V. Dhumal, M. G. Nikam, Dinesh Bhosale
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