Influence of the temperature on chosen materials used for manufacturing temporary fixed prostheses

Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2012, Vol 62, Issue 6


Introduction. While eating hot drinks and foods the temperature in the oral cavity reaches even 77.4oC. It can influence the quality of dental materials and change their properties. Also an accidental application of the CO2 laser radiation may have impact on dental properties.Aim of the study. To assess the influence of the temperature on selected materials used for manufacturing temporary fixed prostheses.Material and methods. Different samples of Protemp II and Structur 2 SC/QM were prepared. Measurements of electrical conductivity and radiation emitted by the CO2 medical laser were used to assess the impact of the constant and impulse temperature stimuli. The structural changes of the materials were observed using the scanning electron microscope.Results. The monotonic increase in electrical conductivity with the temperature was registered. In the oral cavity temperature range the materials showed dielectric properties. The value of the glass transition temperature for Protemp II was higher than the oral cavity temperature range. After CO2 laser irradiation superficial ablation, burning and melting in materials were observed.Conclusions. 1. The effect of the constant temperature stimulus in the oral cavity influences the maturation of materials studied and improves their properties. 2. High temperature can cause, even in a short time, irreversible deformation and changes in the properties of the materials. 3. The effect of the impulse temperature of the CO2 laser induces changes on the surface of the materials, which justifies screening of dental materials in the mouth.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Marcinkowska, Piotr Andrysiak, Wiesław Hędzelek, Leszek Kubisz


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Agnieszka Marcinkowska, Piotr Andrysiak, Wiesław Hędzelek, Leszek Kubisz (2012). Influence of the temperature on chosen materials used for manufacturing temporary fixed prostheses. Prosthodontics, 62(6), 469-476.