Information Visualization to Support the Decision-Making Process in the Context of Academic Management

Journal Title: Webology - Year 2020, Vol 17, Issue 1


Universities are dealing with a huge volume of data, but they use them less than expected levels. The aim of the current study was to use visual information for supporting the decision-making process. In this cross-sectional study, 30 academic managers were recruited at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. A structured interview was prepared for collecting data based on the related literature. The instrument was approved in terms of validity and reliability (α=98%). SPSS 21 was used for analyzing data. Then, a list of 85 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) was organized for designing the digital dashboard. A three-layer architecture was selected as the architectural pattern, and the conceptual model of the system was developed by applying the UML. Finally, the Qlikview was utilized to design the dashboard for the visualization of information. Twelve main features, including 85 KPIs, were determined for designing dashboards. User interface items were visualized using the most important features and KPIs. By applying a designed dashboard, academic managers can identify trends, strengths, and weaknesses. Moreover, visualized information can help users to gain insights and make decisions as quickly as possible.

Authors and Affiliations

Zakieh Piri, Taha Samad-Soltani, Seyyed Mohammad Hassan Elahi and Hero Khezri


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  • EP ID EP687847
  • DOI 10.14704/WEB/V17I1/a218
  • Views 203
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How To Cite

Zakieh Piri, Taha Samad-Soltani, Seyyed Mohammad Hassan Elahi and Hero Khezri (2020). Information Visualization to Support the Decision-Making Process in the Context of Academic Management. Webology, 17(1), -.