Inkoatibo/arazle alternantzia euskaraz eratortzen

Journal Title: Fontes Linguae Vasconum: studia et documenta - Year 2018, Vol 2018, Issue 126


Lan honetan, euskarazko aditzen inkoatibo/arazle alternantzia arakatu dugu. Proposa- tzen dugun analisian, inkoatibo/arazle alternantzia Boza alternantzia da: Bozak es- pezifikatzaile bat islatzen duenean, aldaera arazlea sortzen da; bestalde, Bozak argu- menturik ez duenean espezifikatzaile gunean, aldaera inkoatiboa dugu. Wood-i (2016) jarraituz, alternantzian aurkitzen diren hutsuneak erroen interfaze-jarraibideei egotzi dizkiegu, eta batzuek dituzten esanahi idiosinkrasikoak erro-alosemiaren bidez azaldu ditugu. Azkenik, ergatibo subjektuaren rola eta arazle esanahia sintaxi konfiguraziotik eratortzen direla proposatu dugu, eta ez buru sintaktiko jakin baten islapenetik. In this work, we explore the inchoative/causative alternation found in Basque verbs. We propose that this alternation is a Voice alternation: when Voice has an argument in its specifier position, the causative variant emerges; in contrast, when there is no such ar- gument, we get the inchoative variant. Following Wood (2016), we argue that the lack of alternation found in some verbs is due to the lack of a corresponding interpretation in the LF-instructions of those verbs. On the other hand, we explain the idiosyncratic meaning found in certain structures by means of root-allosemy. Finally, we propose that the interpreation of the ergative argument and the causative semantics is derived from the syntactic configuration, rather than from the projection of a certain syntactic head.

Authors and Affiliations

Ane Berro, Beñat Oihartzabal, Beatriz Fernández


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How To Cite

Ane Berro, Beñat Oihartzabal, Beatriz Fernández (2018). Inkoatibo/arazle alternantzia euskaraz eratortzen. Fontes Linguae Vasconum: studia et documenta, 2018(126), 365-388.