Integrated permit for electrochemical processing of stainless steels installation

Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 3


Chemical enterprises on the area of the European Union are obliged to obtain the Integrated Permit for installations for surface metals processing, if total volume of processing tanks exceeds 30 m[sup]3[/sup]. From many aspects the fulfilment of requirements in the scope of sewage influencing plays a significant role. Gradually contamination of acid baths, used for pickling and electropolishing, is caused by dissolution of stainless steel and dissolution of copper tickets enabling the proper current flow and electropolished elements fastening. Non exceeding of thresholds of the emission for installations for electrochemical processing of stainless steels is possible using Na[sub]2[/sub]S[sub]2[/sub]O[sub]5[/sub], Ca(OH)[sub]2[/sub] and Na[sub]2[/sub]S while maintaining the method recommended in “Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics”.

Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Lochyński, Bogdan Szczygieł, Andrzej Kuczaj


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How To Cite

Paweł Lochyński, Bogdan Szczygieł, Andrzej Kuczaj (2012). Integrated permit for electrochemical processing of stainless steels installation. CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek, 66(3), 235-240.