Inteligentne Systemy Transportowe w wybranych miastach Polski

Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2015, Vol 188, Issue 10


In this paper, the authors present the Intelligent Transport Systems as an innovative solution very often facilitates and enhances quality of life of the average person. The origin of the authors determines also need to be addressed in the paper issue of the implementation of ITS in the Lodz region. The aim of the study is primarily to draw attention to the actual functionality of ITS and the natural need for their implementa tion in places where there is movement of road transport vehicles.

Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Barwiński, Przemysław Kotas


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How To Cite

Szymon Barwiński, Przemysław Kotas (2015). Inteligentne Systemy Transportowe w wybranych miastach Polski. Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 188(10), 26-29.