Interdependence of structural and competitive characteristics of national economy


In the paper the interdependence of the structure and competitiveness of the national economy is substantiated, the research of which allows to lay the foundation for the objectification of the focusing of the structural reforms to strengthen the competitive position of the economic system as a basis for the further formation and effective use of the socio-economic development potential. The paper is aimed at outlining the approaches to reveal the interdependence of the structure and competitiveness of the economy and determine the preconditions for the mutual strengthening of the development of structural and competitive characteristics, which should be considered when the priorities and mechanisms of the structural adjustment are formed. Using the international competitive rankings the competitiveness of the national economy is analyzed and the main vectors of the targeted structural transformations are defined by means of which Ukraine should consolidate and improve its competitive position. The competitiveness of the certain industries and activities of the national economy is studied, using the labor productivity criterion. On the basis of the Ukrainian goods competitiveness index calculating the structural problems in the Ukrainian economy are identified. Under the results of study it is concluded that in Ukraine there is an extremely difficult situation in which the negative interdependence between the structural and competitive characteristics of the national economic system is strengthening, when the structure of the latter does not provide the necessary conditions for the formation and consolidation of the competitive advantages, and the low competitiveness does not promote the development of the resource potential of the economic structure improving.

Authors and Affiliations

Alla Vasina


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How To Cite

Alla Vasina (2015). Interdependence of structural and competitive characteristics of national economy. Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава, 13(2), 149-160.