Investigation of Some Coagulation Parameters in Pregnant Womens with Preeclampsia
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue 4
Background/Aim: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a major obstetric health problem in developing countries and considers as one of the main causes of maternal mortality. The study aimed to investigate changes in some coagulation parameters in PE patients compared with normal pregnancies. Methods: A prospective case control study was conducted in Omdurman Maternity Hospital-Khartoum state; in a period of March to June 2016. Pregnant women’s with 28 weeks’ gestation or more who admitted into the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology or attended at antenatal care unit, were enrolled in the study. A total of 60 pregnant women’s; among them 30 patients with either mild or sever PE and 30 normal pregnancies as controls. Apparently healthy non-pregnant women’s (N/30) also were included. Citrated venous blood samples were collected from each subject; platelet poor plasma was separated for measurement of prothombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and Fibrinogen level by automated Stago analyser. Results: In the present study the mean Fibrinogen level in the three studied groups was 3.96±0.81, 3.80±0.40, and 3.36±0.32 in PE, normal pregnant, and non-pregnant group; respectively. The mean PT was 14.20±3.48, 12.90±1.13, and 11.73±1.55, whereas mean APTT was 38.32±7.71, 35.60±6.96, and 33.56±6.26 ; respectively. The present study found that PT (P; 0.01, 0.06), APPT (P; 0.02, 0.04) of PE group was significantly higher than normal pregnant and non-pregnant groups; respectively. Fibrinogen of PE also was significantly higher than non-pregnant group (P; 0.003), however there was no significant variation with normal pregnant group (P; 0.3). Fifty percent of PE patients showed prolonged APTT, , 36.6% prolonged PT, and 10% hypofibrinogenemia. However, Prolonged PT, APTT, and hypofibrinogenemia was seen in 3 cases of severe PE patients. Conclusion: At late stage of pregnancy, the APTT, PT prolonged in PE pregnancy compared to normal pregnancy. However fibrinogen decreased in some cases of severe PE.
Authors and Affiliations
Awad-Elkareem Abass, Elsadig Adam 1, Haitham Badwi, Ali Hassan, Reem Mohamed, Eiman Izzaldein1, Ayat Awad1
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