
У статті визначено сутнісні ознакинаціональних меншин-іредент, з’ясовано характер їх відносин зі спорідненими державами і проаналізовано причини обрання ними іредентистської стратегії поведінки.На основі характеристик угорської і російської національних меншин в Україні і дослідження двох варіантів взаємодії споріднених держав з етнічними родичами запропоновано виділяти потенційні і реальні меншини-іреденти. In modern world irredentism is the political movement, which a state implements in order to annex the part of the territory of another state and its ethnically related population. Interstate conflicts consequently occur as the result of these actions, for example, the conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation that annexed Ukrainian territory of Crimea.Irredentism as conflict interaction has another participant – national minority (irredenta) within the multi-ethnic state that seeks to join the kin-state. Irredenta fairly has fewer resources than other participants of the conflict. The study clarifies the reasons the minority follows in choosing the strategy of irredentistic behavior and the ways of its interaction with other political actors. National minority forms the irredentistic strategy of behavior when experiencing a low political and economic status in the country of residence or powerful informational and ideological influence from the kin-state. The desire to control the life of ethnically related population can worsen the situation of minority by the increasing pressure from the home state of irredenta. A kin-state can support ethnic relatives in various forms: ranging from the cooperation in economic or cultural domains to annexion of ethnic groups and territories. A national minority has the right to choose the path of development, but in the present conditions the internal self-determination in the form of autonomy is the most appropriate. External self-determination through joining another state is unacceptable because it threatens the territorial integrity of a sovereign state and violates international law. Ukraine, like any polyethnic country, has national minorities that live near the borders of their historical homelands, and thus irredentism may occur. The examples of Russian and Hungarian minorities show two variants of interrelationship of kin-states (Hungary and Russia) and ethnic relatives respectively, moderate and radical. As the result, the author offers for discussion the proposal to outline two types of national minorities: potential which are oriented at the close contacts with the state, but without the desire to annex the territory and real, which openly declare such intentions. The politicians should pay more attention to the potential irredenta in order to eliminate possible threats to territorial integrity.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Gorlo


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How To Cite

N. Gorlo (2016). ІРЕДЕНТИСТСЬКА СТРАТЕГІЯ ПОВЕДІНКИ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИХ МЕНШИН: ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ АСПЕКТ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(15), 195-203. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426637