Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 18
У статті охарактеризовано іредентизм як приклад відцентрового руху, суб’єктом якого є меншина-іредента, орієнтована на приєднання до іншої держави. Показано, що стратегія іреденти здійснює деструктивний вплив на внутрішньополітичні процеси у поліетнічній державі. Проаналізовані основні підходи до співвідношення іредентизму, сепаратизму і сецесії, представлені у науковому доробку вітчизняних і зарубіжних дослідників. Розглянуто питання про місце сецесіонізму у процесі досягнення іредентистських цілей. An important scientific task is the question of the relationship between separatism, irredentism and secession, which actualizes the research aimed at the delineation of these concepts. It has theoretical and practical importance because a clear identification of ethnopolitical processes can adequately assess them and choose the best means of response. The irredentist conflict includes three members: polyethnic state, national minority – irredenta and kin-state. The strategy of the irredenta has negative impact on political processes in multi-ethnic states and is interpreted as a form of separatism aimed at secession from one state and joining another. The terms «irredentism» and «separatism» are not identical, because irredentism – is, in most cases, the movement of ethnic groups, while the separatist carriers may be other social groups. The associated terms that are often used in the analysis of separatism and irredentism are «secession» and «secessionism». There are two approaches depending on what concept is recognized generic – «separatism» or «secession». The first approach recognizes the separatism as the generic term, and the secession and irredentism – as sub notion, denoting phenomena pursuing different goals: secession involves the creation of an independent state, and irredentism – joining another state. The second approach, in contrast, recognizes the secession as the generic term, because the secession from a state is provided both by separatism and irredentism. Some scientists refuse to refer a specific political phenomenon only to one form of separatist movement, because the idea of the desired result (secession or reunion) can change over time. The question arises: whether the secessionism is mandatory step in achieving the irredentist goals? Due to the presence of a small number of cases of irredentism, it is difficult to answer clearly, but in 2014 Russian politicians, trying to make the act of annexation of Crimea legal, called the declaration of independence (which, however, was recognized illegal by the international community) an indisputable argument to prove the legality of joining the Crimea to Russian Federation. In the author’s opinion, not only the scientific community, but also the political actors should be interested in the development of conventional knowledge of the essence of separatism, irredentism and secession. Until these concepts are clearly fixed in official documents, they become tools of political casuistry
Authors and Affiliations
N. Gorlo
Гедьо А. В. Ніжинський грецький магістрат : монографія / А. В. Гедьо, М. К. Подгайко. – Донецьк : ДонНУ, 2013. – 414 с.
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