The following text is on the Polish and Russian religiousness from the comparative aspect. The authoress carried out the associative experiment on the population of 100 people. It concerned the examination of immediate r...
The article reveals the picture of the world in poetry L. Martynov, to identify the concept of man as a demiurge-generation of evolution of space development as a tool of self-nature. The article accented the originality...
The Orthodox trend in Polish culture has not been fully appreciated yet. Usually, when speaking about the Orthodox Church in Poland, we connect it with religious centers, first of all in Constantinople and then in Moscow...
EP ID EP646971
Views 62
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How To Cite
Andrzej Sitarski (1999). Из наблюдений над функционированием наречий в современном русском и польском языках. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Особенности польской и российской „дороги к храму”
The following text is on the Polish and Russian religiousness from the comparative aspect. The authoress carried out the associative experiment on the population of 100 people. It concerned the examination of immediate r...
Принципи класифікації пісeнного фольклору у польській та українській фольклористиці
Поэтическая антроподицея Леонида Мартынова
The article reveals the picture of the world in poetry L. Martynov, to identify the concept of man as a demiurge-generation of evolution of space development as a tool of self-nature. The article accented the originality...
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Wpływ średniowiecznej kultury południowosłowiańskiej na wschodnią i zachodnią Słowiańszczyznę
The Orthodox trend in Polish culture has not been fully appreciated yet. Usually, when speaking about the Orthodox Church in Poland, we connect it with religious centers, first of all in Constantinople and then in Moscow...