In this article setting and literary decision of conflict, which appeared between war thinking and humanist thinking, are being traced through poetics, the character of development of literary- philosophic thought, which...
Carnival topos masc in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and Geo Shkurupia
Doors in the day
The article is devoted to the study of the features of the mask topos in the novels of Witold
Gombrowich Ferdydurke and...
The article describes Russian translations of literary works by authors from Warmia and Mazury:
Marek Barański, Tomasz Białkowski, Alicja Bykowska-Salczyńska. Zbigniew Chojnowski,
Wojciech Kass, Włodzimierz Kowalewski, J...
EP ID EP646971
Views 64
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How To Cite
Andrzej Sitarski (1999). Из наблюдений над функционированием наречий в современном русском и польском языках. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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In this article setting and literary decision of conflict, which appeared between war thinking and humanist thinking, are being traced through poetics, the character of development of literary- philosophic thought, which...
Карнавальний топос маски у романах Вiтольда Гомбровича Фердидурке та Гео Шкурупiя Дверi в день
Carnival topos masc in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and Geo Shkurupia Doors in the day The article is devoted to the study of the features of the mask topos in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and...
Вармия и Мазуры глазами современных писателей и поэтов региона в переводах Игоря Белова
The article describes Russian translations of literary works by authors from Warmia and Mazury: Marek Barański, Tomasz Białkowski, Alicja Bykowska-Salczyńska. Zbigniew Chojnowski, Wojciech Kass, Włodzimierz Kowalewski, J...