Józef Kallenbach "Przygoda bibliotekarza"
Journal Title: Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue
The Adventure of a Librarian The edition presents Józef Kallenbach’s short story entitled The Adventure of a Librarian (Przygoda bibliotekarza), written in 1888 in Cracow. The manuscript is stored in the PAN Archives in Warsaw. Kallenbach was a distinguished scholar in the field of Polish literary research, as well as an editor and an author of works on Jan Kochanowski, Adam Mickiewicz and Zygmunt Krasiński. This ironic and oneiric short story, concerning the mankind’s perennial desire for the truth, is the only existing, however never published, literary attempt of this author, that has survived to our times.
Authors and Affiliations
Józef Malinowski, Marek Wedemann
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