Józef Piłsudski i sprawa polska podczas I wojny światowej: dyskusja panelowa i promocja książki w Wiedniu
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2018, Vol 25, Issue 25
Józef Piłsudski and the Polish cause during World War I: a panel discussion and book promotion in Vienna. On 5 December 2017, at Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna a conference entitled “Józef Piłsudski and the Polish cause during World War I” took place. Bogusław Dybaś has spoken about Marshal Piłsudski himself, and Jerzy Gaul presented a source publication comprising an edition of documents from Vienna archives, pertaining to Piłsudski, from 1914-1918. During the panel debate with participation of Jacek Stawiski, Heidi Hein-Kircher and Damian Szymczak, importance of Pilsudski for the Polish cause in 1914-1918 was discussed, and particularly his role in restitution of Poland’s sovereignty.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Gaul
Przyczynek o królewskich pieczęciach litewskich z XVI–XVII wieku
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Records on the city of Gdańsk in London archival holdings of diplomatic provenance from the first quarter of the 18th century Gdańsk was a rallying point for a British naval squadron that operated in the Baltic, during t...
Edward Potkowski (10 V 1934 – 31 VII 2017)
wspomnienie pośmiertne o śp. prof. Edwardzie Potkowskim
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