The paper presents the phenomenon of extended collocations in the novel Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną by Dorota Masłowska. Innovative collocations are analysed with reference to an adverb ‘doszczętnie’ [Eng...
The discourse involves a number of prominent thinkers who express their opinions in quality newspapers and magazines. The concept of Polish national character consists mainly of historical myths, and the dramatically tra...
„Wahazar” Publishers from 1992 issues in Russian translation „Collection of the Polish Literature” and from 2003 - bilingual „Polish-Russian Poetic Library”. These series (as well as „Collection of the Serbian Literature...
The paper constitutes an attempt to delineate the main assumptions, aims and research subject of applied linguo-cultural studies. This discipline works on the border of theoretical linguocultural studies and methodology...
Irena Rudziewicz (2003). "Кирилл и Мефодий. Духовнoe наследие", под ред. Н. Лихиной, Калининград 2002. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Innowacje w kolokacjach w Wojnie polsko-ruskiej pod flagą biało-czerwoną Doroty Masłowskiej i ich tłumaczenie na język rosyjski
The paper presents the phenomenon of extended collocations in the novel Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną by Dorota Masłowska. Innovative collocations are analysed with reference to an adverb ‘doszczętnie’ [Eng...
„Польскость” и „русскость” в мифологическом зеркале. К вопросу о современном публичном дискурсе
The discourse involves a number of prominent thinkers who express their opinions in quality newspapers and magazines. The concept of Polish national character consists mainly of historical myths, and the dramatically tra...
Literatura polska w słowiańskiej bibliotece wydawnictwa „Wahazar”
„Wahazar” Publishers from 1992 issues in Russian translation „Collection of the Polish Literature” and from 2003 - bilingual „Polish-Russian Poetic Library”. These series (as well as „Collection of the Serbian Literature...
Multimedialny słownik lingworealioznawczy – nowe narzędzie w lingwokulturologii stosowanej
The paper constitutes an attempt to delineate the main assumptions, aims and research subject of applied linguo-cultural studies. This discipline works on the border of theoretical linguocultural studies and methodology...
Kontrowersje wokół Karoliny Sobańskiej