Literatura polska w słowiańskiej bibliotece wydawnictwa „Wahazar”

Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2007, Vol 1, Issue 0


„Wahazar” Publishers from 1992 issues in Russian translation „Collection of the Polish Literature” and from 2003 - bilingual „Polish-Russian Poetic Library”. These series (as well as „Collection of the Serbian Literature” and „Serbian-Russian Poetic Library”) form integral part of the Slavonic library, which’s aim is to make united information-field and to resist primitivization of the whole-Slavonic cultural space. Research, artistic and enlightening activity of the Publishers is the element of constructive alternative in the epoch of aggressive chaotization of the world, serves for communication upon new-arisen prohibitions. Productive existence of this publishing utopia shows, on a level with large number of other facts, that in spite of onset of dehumanizing globalization, in spite of guided devaluation of culture texts - nowadays increases the tendency to form open community of Slavonic (and wider - East-European) cultures, which is not subjected to ethnic patterns, ideomyths, negative inertia. New times could become the stage of really friendly contacts between the peoples - without pauses, conceals and distortions, the stage of continually coming news about things which are important and lasting, not artificially played up, marginal and ephemeral, about those true things which can help to consolidation - not frittering away.

Authors and Affiliations

Andriej Bazylewski


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How To Cite

Andriej Bazylewski (2007). Literatura polska w słowiańskiej bibliotece wydawnictwa „Wahazar”. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0), 105-118.