The author analyses historical drama devoted to the period of confusion in the history of old Russia. Authors such as: A. Pushkin, A. Chomiakov or A. Ostrovsky also turned their attention to the relationship of the False...
In recent years, linguistic studies have laid great emphasis on the semantic side of linguistic expressions. The subject of this paper is an attempt to introduce the term of “circular motion” in common verb patterns and...
For many centuries Pinsk was one of the most important Orthodox centers on Polesie; also in years 1919-1939. In that period, in city lived 11% of Russians (73% of Jews, 16% other nationalities). Russian cultural and lite...
EP ID EP647006
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How To Cite
Natalia Maślennikowa (1999). Кириллo-Мефодиевские чтения в Московском университете. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Dymitr i Maryna. Dramaturgiczne uzasadnienie wątku w sztukach rosyjskich XIX stulecia
The author analyses historical drama devoted to the period of confusion in the history of old Russia. Authors such as: A. Pushkin, A. Chomiakov or A. Ostrovsky also turned their attention to the relationship of the False...
"Współczesny język rosyjski. System gramatyczny (z ćwiczeniami)", Czesław Lachur, Opole 1998
"Лінгвістичні студії. Збірник наукових праць", T. 1-4, ред. Анатолій Загнітко, Донецьк 1994-1998
Концептуализация вращательного движения в русском и польском языках
In recent years, linguistic studies have laid great emphasis on the semantic side of linguistic expressions. The subject of this paper is an attempt to introduce the term of “circular motion” in common verb patterns and...
Rosyjskie życie kulturalno-literackie w Pińsku 1918-1939
For many centuries Pinsk was one of the most important Orthodox centers on Polesie; also in years 1919-1939. In that period, in city lived 11% of Russians (73% of Jews, 16% other nationalities). Russian cultural and lite...