Класифікація повноважень поліції щодо превенції ювенальної деліктності


Статтю присвячено питанням ювенальної превенції. Запропоновано впровадження в теорію адміністративного права та до законодавства терміна «превенція ювенальної деліктності». Основну увагу зосереджено на повноваженнях одного з основних суб’єктів ювенальної превенції – Національної поліції. Завдяки порівняльно-правовому аналізу та синтезу норм міжнародного та національного права визначено перелік питань ювенально-превентивної діяльності підрозділів поліції, які потребують і надалі нормативного урегулювання. The article is devoted to questions of juvenile prevention. The relevance of the research is based on the statistics and tendencies of the delinquency of the angry minors. The introduction of the term «prevention of juvenile delinquency» into the theory of administrative law and legislation is suggested. The main focus is on the powers of one of the main subjects of the juvenile prevention – the National Police. The publication clearly demonstrates the multiplicity of legal acts that contain police powers in the field of juvenile prevention. The study of various legal acts allowed to create an expanded classification of police powers in this area of preventive activity. The powers of the police regarding the prevention of juvenile delicacy (as the main direction of juvenile prevention) by the author is divided into the following types: a) general or special; b) being implemented within the framework of administrative-legal or criminal-legal relations; c) are fixed at the legislative or sub-legislative level (while the latter can not contradict the requirements of the laws); d) which are extremely clearly defined in legal orders or which have only general features (powers-directions); e) which can be carried out by the police in person or in co-operation with other subjects of juvenile prevention; f) that are related to the implementation of the immediate police tasks or ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of other subjects of juvenile prevention; g) one-time implementation, ongoing or periodic; h) preventive, educational or compulsory nature, etc. Due to the comparative legal analysis and the synthesis of the norms of international and national law, a list of issues of juvenile preventive activity of the police units that require further regulatory settlement is defined. The article substantiates the need to expand the compulsory-preventive powers of the police in the sphere of countering bullying, the regulation in the law of the grounds and procedure for providing police assistance to other public administration bodies (in particular in the area of juvenile prevention) in exercising their jurisdiction if resistance is to be exercised. Attention is drawn to the appropriateness of including in the powers of the police the initiation, organization and conduct of social projects, prevention programs, actions aimed at the socialization of children, increasing the level of trust on their part to the police, the development of communication links between them.

Authors and Affiliations

Іван Володимирович Іщенко


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How To Cite

Іван Володимирович Іщенко (2018). Класифікація повноважень поліції щодо превенції ювенальної деліктності. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 83(3), 142-152. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-537946