Knowledge and opinions of students on problems associated with obesity
Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2014, Vol 20, Issue 3
aim of the study. The objective of the study was assessment of the scope of knowledge and opinions concerning the problem of obesity and its health and psychosocial consequences among students. material and methods. The study was conducted among a group of 100 students. The diagnostic survey method was applied using a questionnaire that included demographic questions for assessment of the respondents’ knowledge and opinions. The study was carried out during the period April – May 2010. results. Analysis of the collected data showed that 81% of the respondents understood the idea of using BMI for diagnosing obesity. The respondents’ knowledge about the main factors causing obesity was on a high level – 94% showed inadequate nutrition, 93% – lack of physical activity, and 84% – genetic and hormonal factors. Students also displayed comprehensive knowledge of the health consequences related with obesity; 96% of them knew the relation between obesity and the risk of development of high blood pressure, 81% considered type 2 diabetes as a consequence of obesity, 65% indicated the relationship between obesity and osteoarthritis. However, the knowledge of the surveyed group of students about obesity prevention was incomplete. conclusions. The obtained results show the necessity for educational activity that should be carried out among young adults, focusing on methods of obesity prevention and developing active control behaviour over the meaningful factors generating overweight and obesity.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Ślusarska, Ewa Szcześniak , Danuta Zarzycka, Beata Dobrowolska , Bożena Zboina
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