Knowledge of downhill skiing safety principles among students at the University of Physical Education participating in an obligatory winter camp. Part II
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 57
[b]Introduction[/b]. The appropriate training of future instructors and teachers of children practicing downhill skiing is extremely important to improve and ensure the safety of participants in this form of recreation. The evaluation of the effects students participating in an obligatory winter camp received through the training process included theoretical knowledge. The proper evaluation of factors ensuring safety and the limitation of risky behavior is the basis for the appropriate education of future teachers. [b]Aim of the study[/b]. This work is aimed at the evaluation of the level of theoretical knowledge about safe downhill skiing obtained by students who graduated from downhill skiing training camp with positive results.[b]Conclusion[/b]. In the future we should put even greater stress on requiring knowledge of the theory of safe skiing, that is, taking care of ski clothes and boots, health risks connected with mountain climates in winter and with altitude sickness. This is especially true of pedagogy students, who are expected to guarantee the security of children and youth at, among other places, ski slopes. At the same time it should be emphasized that skiing is, according to the majority of the training camp participants, an exceptionally attractive form of physical activity.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Wojtyczek, Małgorzata Pasławska
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