Komunikacja kolejowa na pograniczu słowacko-węgiersko-ukraińskim
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2018, Vol 294, Issue 11
Similarly to the Polish eastern border, there are also transshipment stations equipped with a railway network with a 1435 mm and 1 520 mm gauge on the Slovak-Hungarian-Ukrainian borders. Due to the smaller length of these borders, the number of stations is only 1–2 on Slovak-Ukrainian and Hungarian-Ukrainian borders. These stations play a role in the transshipment of unprocessed goods imported from the East and somewhat marginal in passenger traffic (mainly local trains than long-distance). A broad-gauge line was built to transport iron ore to the steelworks near Koszyce in the 60s. Despite the passenger traffic significantly decreased after 1989, one rail border point is used in passenger traffic.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Graff, P. Stefek
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