Концептуально-прикладная модель административной деликтологии в информационной сфере и тенденции её развития в условиях построения информационного общества

Journal Title: Європейські перспективи - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 4


В статье на основе научных и правоприменительных позиций проведено исследование системы административной деликтологии в информационной сфере, выделенные ее структурные компоненты, охарактеризована основная группа факторов, влияющих на структуру этой юридической науки, проанализирован концептуальный взгляд относительно необходимости объединения всех деликтологических направлений научных исследований, проводимых в информационной сфере в единую комплексную юридическую науку информационную деликтологию. - The article examines a system of administrative delictology in the information sphere on scientific, enforcement and doctrinal positions, describes basic elements of this science and outlines prospects of its improvement taking into account development trends of information society and current trends of euro integration processes. Basing on a study of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the author substantiates the necessity to distinguish an independent direction of delictological research as a special part of administrative delictology science which is devoted to the problems of preventing the commission of administrative and information offences and protection of information rights of an individual. The author also proves that the special nature of administrative delictology science in the information sphere is defined by its particular subject, goals and objectives as well as the use of special tools to prevent the commission of administrative and information offences. At the same time the author believes that it is premature to treat administrative delictology that exists in the information sphere as an independent science - information delictology. However, taken into account a current state of law and order in Ukraine, the USA, and the EU in future it is reasonable to treat information delictology as an independent science, the system of which will include the problems of preventing information crimes, administrative and information offences and civil and information delicts.

Authors and Affiliations

Олег Заярный


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How To Cite

Олег Заярный (2016). Концептуально-прикладная модель административной деликтологии в информационной сфере и тенденции её развития в условиях построения информационного общества. Європейські перспективи, 0(4), 80-87. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-182691