Konstantin Wentcel’s (1857-1946) Pedagogy of Free Education and Cosmic Education - Outline of Concept
Journal Title: Studia z Teorii Wychowania - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
Interest in the pedagogy of New Education is currently experiencing a renaissance. In confrontation with the traditional method that is practiced in the majority of educational institutions for children and youth, the solutions suggested by the non-directive pedagogue seem to be better suited for present times. Undoubtedly, the views of Konstanty Wentcel (1857-1946) – the propagator of the idea of freedom in the theory and practice of education, should be acknowledged in this regard as interesting. Being one of the leading figures of Free Education in Russia and also one of the main initiators of the Declaration of the Rights of Children, which was proclaimed one hundred years ago, Wentcel played a significant role in the development of native pedagogical thought of the second decade of the 20th century. Special attention should be drawn to the juxtaposition of the idea of freedom with the idea of harmony understood as a unity of the individual with the entire world (cosmic education). The opinion that these ideas not only do not contradict themselves, but even mutually imply each other and enable children’s creative powers to develop, places Wentcel along with prominent pedagogical thinkers such as John Dewey (1859-1952) and Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Although he was a known figure, his academic work still remains little known. This article constitutes an attempt to recall this figure and to draw attention to his original concept, which still requires complex elaboration and comparison with the other concepts of the New Education.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Artur Aleksiejuk
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