This academic paper explores Polish themes in the novel The Crimean Elegy written by a well-known novelist and memoir writer, the first wave Russian emigrant in the 20th century, Nina Berberova. Polish themes in the pros...
The author of this article analyses some poetic quotations which are grouped in the following way:1. Soviet poets, who in different extent of involvement, were apologists of the Soviet reality2. Classicists of the 19th c...
Źródła i atrybucja nieznanego przekładu rosyjskiego kolędy "Nowy rok bieżący" przypisywanej św. Dymitrowi Rostowskiemu
Польское в Крымской элегии Нины Берберовой
This academic paper explores Polish themes in the novel The Crimean Elegy written by a well-known novelist and memoir writer, the first wave Russian emigrant in the 20th century, Nina Berberova. Polish themes in the pros...
Функции художественных цитат в публицистическом тексте
The author of this article analyses some poetic quotations which are grouped in the following way:1. Soviet poets, who in different extent of involvement, were apologists of the Soviet reality2. Classicists of the 19th c...
"Słownik zapożyczeń polskich w języku rosyjskim", Wiesław Witkowski, Kraków 1999
"Acta Albaruthenica", pod red. Aleksandra Barszczewskiego, Warszawa 1998