Konstytucja jako gatunek tekstu prawnego (Ewa Malinowska)
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2019, Vol 153, Issue 4
The author presents an interesting analysis of constitutions as a special type of legal text. The monograph is based on all polish constitutions. The author claims that a constitution is not only a legal document determining a political system, but is also a type of narration, communication and linguistic discourse. Ewa Malinowska does not intend to present a legal interpretation of constitutional norms. She discusses linguistic elements and attributes of these special legal acts. The author describes the constitutions and their evolution in their textual context. History, culture, social developments are background of author’s analysis. Ewa Malinowska is a linguist and has a special approach to textual problems. She applies linguistic research methods which differ from legal ones. Thus, the author presents a new, fresh approach to the discussed problem.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Dąbrowski
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