La carga ideológica de las ciencias en la sociedad neo-liberal


Science has been dragged by its technological production. It would be desirable that science can be as independent as possible and get rid of the private interests. It would be desirable too that science increases its social functions. To understand this we are going to focus in an Spaniard example: The problem with town planning. This case provides us a good example about science and technology used in a wrong way. But it also give us hope in a way. In the last years a group of architecture collectives are flourishing. These groups believe in a different way of understanding architecture and, therefore, the social relations and ways of living.

Authors and Affiliations

Juan Cano de Pablo


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How To Cite

Juan Cano de Pablo (2014). La carga ideológica de las ciencias en la sociedad neo-liberal. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 39(2), 31-37.