Fodora i Lepore`a semantyka ról pojęciowych


During the last few decades semantic holism, in a form of conceptual role semantics, has be- come an influential and widely discussed doctrine. In their book Holism: A Shopper s Guide, Jer- ry Fodor and Ernest Lepore express doubts regarding such semantics. These doubts stem from su- spicions that inferential role cannot compose which, in their opinion, leads to holistic naturę of afo- rementioned semantics. Such suspicions, combined with earlier challenge to analytic/synthetic di- stinction madę by Quine, cause two problems to emerge. The first one concems the possibility of mentioned approach to account for phenomena such as communication, translation and change of opinion, whereas the other one questions the intemal stability of compositional role semantics. We will only briefly discuss the former and concentrate on the later. We will also try to show that such doubts can arise only if certain understanding of molecularity is adopted. In order to achieve that, we will examine the concept of molecularity and then proceed to analyze arguments presented by Fodor and Lepore. We hope that eventually we will be able to show that doubts expressed by Fodor and Lepore are valid in specific situation only.

Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Balcerak


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How To Cite

Paweł Balcerak (2009). Fodora i Lepore`a semantyka ról pojęciowych. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 34(), 33-46.