Leadership Style and Person-Environment Fit (Pe Fit) to Improve Innovative Performance through High-Involvement Human Resource Management Practices (HIHRMPs) in Pt Varia Usaha Beton Employees


In the era of globalization and competition increasing business strict, innovation has become the key to maintaining Power and competitive organization. Behavior innovation in something organization becomes a necessary factor in getting attention and being a priority to achieve success in the competitive business world. Study This study influences Leadership Style and Person-environment Fit (Pe Fit) To increase Innovative Performance through High-Involvement Human Resource Management Practices (HIHRMPs) for PT Varia Usaha Beton employees. A survey was conducted with a spread questionnaire with the help of Google Forms to all over employees totaling 144 employees. Research results state that there exists an influence significance between Leadership Style and PE fit to HIHRMPs, as well exists an influence significance between Leadership Style and PE fit to Innovative Performance and also existence influence significance between HIHRMPs to Innovative Performance. Companies can make an environment conducive to work for employees who have the creativity to create new solutions and perform innovatively.

Authors and Affiliations

Arfan Mahatmaja, Amiartuti Kusmaningtyas, I D Ketut Raka Ardiana


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  • EP ID EP736733
  • DOI 10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i1n12
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How To Cite

Arfan Mahatmaja, Amiartuti Kusmaningtyas, I D Ketut Raka Ardiana (2024). Leadership Style and Person-Environment Fit (Pe Fit) to Improve Innovative Performance through High-Involvement Human Resource Management Practices (HIHRMPs) in Pt Varia Usaha Beton Employees. International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research, 3(1), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-736733