Journal Title: Studia z zakresu nauk prawnoustrojowych. MISCELLANEA - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0
Since the 50s of the twentieth century, we can observe the intensification of research into the arguments and the birth of numerous argumentation theories, that are applicable primarily at the level of law. Their origin should be seen in the quest to find a cognitive balance, the "third way" between various interlacing interpretative philosophies, especially between the positivist-analytical and the phenomenological-hermeneutical paradigm. It has been noted that formal logic, which has so far played a key role in the study of argumentation, is not sufficient to characterize the structure of all reasonings. This relation was perceived by Chaim Perelman, whose work was devoted to the analysis of legal discourse. The philosopher argues that a judge who makes a decision in the process of applying the law is in a permanent decision-making situation that occurs when the state of the case provides the choice of several alternative solutions. In addition, the final shape of the decision is influenced by the arguments of the interested parties, which creates the internal judicial discourse. The creator of the "new rhetoric" recognizes law as a way of organizing disputes leading to the resolution of decision problems, denying the syllogistic model of application of law. Pursuant to this fact, the concept of law, according to Perelman, assumes to present a clearly anti-formal nature. What is more, the "new rhetoric," understood as an argumentative practice applicable wherever logical reasoning can not be used and where there is no place for obviousness, forms part of the critical line towards legal positivism, thus claims to be the "third way" in theory and philosophy of law, as will be revealed in this article.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Tecław
Artykuł recenzyjny, Maciej Szostak, Disputable Religious Movements and Public Security, Legens, Publishing Workshop Ltd., London 2013, ss. 404. (ISBN 978-0-9576904-0-0)
Artykuł recenzyjny publikacji autorstwa Macieja Szostaka pt. Disputable Religious Movements and Public Security (Kontrowersyjne ruchy religijne a bezpieczeństwo publiczne). Recenzowana monografia składa się z dwóch częśc...
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