Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 17
Стаття присвячена вивченню лексики з культурним компонентом значення новогрецької мови як мовного джерела інформації про духовну культуру країни. Аналізуються лінгвокультурологічні особливості та місце лексики з культурним компонентом серед інших типів національно-маркованих лексичних одиниць. International contacts and intercultural communication require from the participants of the communication not only the knowledge of a foreign language, but also knowledge of national and cultural specificity, native speaker‘s country traditions, which determines the relevance of our research theme. The article deals with the analysis of the cultural component lexis which reveals itself in the course of intercultural communication and which is reflected in the reality of the life and Greek national character. The main purpose of the article is to determine the place of lexis with a cultural component of the Modern Greek language among other types of lexis and to identify its linguistic and cultural characteristics. There are different approaches to this issue study: from the point of view of linguistics (realia, lexis with a cultural component), cultural linguistics, country studies and translation studies (non-equivalent lexis and lexis with background knowledge component), cognitive linguistics (concepts, frames, scripts), psycholinguistics (prototypes). However, the differences between the available terms are not always obvious, and often the issues arise about the role and place of lexis with a cultural component in the language system, as well as the composition of this class of lexis. Lexis with a cultural component is a source for obtaining information about the country, culture and the life of the people whose language is being studied. Because of the ethno-uniqueness of the objects of the surrounding reality the other language communication participants are not able to form the particular concepts, and therefore there is no appropriate nomination. Typically, such objects of history and ethnography are: holidays, folk customs and their attributes, national clothes, cuisine, household objects, names of administrative and geographical units, historical events and their participants, etc. Along with the lexis with a cultural component, there are many words of everyday use, called lexis with background knowledge component. Lexis with background knowledge component are words with incomplete background equivalence determined by the existence of additional semantic shares (components), that is criteria according to which the object is included or not in the volume of the lexical concept. The lexical background, formed in such a way, represents the whole set of non-conceptual (background) semantic proportions (which are not part of the lexical concept of a word), covers the background knowledge of the geographical, historical and cultural characteristics of lexis that are not the wealth of an individual, but of a society, that is, linguistic consciousness. Consequently, lexis with a cultural component is a source of information about the specifity of the material and spiritual culture of a particular ethnic group.
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Gargaieva
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