Insulinomas are rare tumors, accounting for 1‑2% of all neoplasms of the pancreas. Usually their treatment is not associated with any problems; however there is a small subset of problematic clinical cases. The authors p...
Częstość wykrywania zmian torbielowatych w trzustce w ostatnich latach wzrosła. Większość to torbiele rzekome (pozapalne), pozostałe stanowią głównie nowotwory. Wewnątrzprzewodowe brodawkowate nowotwory śluzowe (IPMN – I...
The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of different microvascular techniques in breast reconstruction with the analysis of postoperative complications. The additional goal of the study is to analyze the qualit...
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a widely prevalent joint disease leading to motor disability and pain. Appropriate indicators for identifying patients at risk for this progressive disease, identifying molecular even...
Insulinoma - Rare, But Important Clinical Problem. Analysis of a Series of 530 Patients Who Underwent Surgical Treatment for the Pancreatic Tumor
Insulinomas are rare tumors, accounting for 1‑2% of all neoplasms of the pancreas. Usually their treatment is not associated with any problems; however there is a small subset of problematic clinical cases. The authors p...
Torbiele trzustki czy nowotwory torbielowate trzustki? Analiza 145 przypadków
Częstość wykrywania zmian torbielowatych w trzustce w ostatnich latach wzrosła. Większość to torbiele rzekome (pozapalne), pozostałe stanowią głównie nowotwory. Wewnątrzprzewodowe brodawkowate nowotwory śluzowe (IPMN – I...
Polish Consensus on Treatment of Gastric Cancer; Update 2013
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Microvascular Breast Reconstruction Techniques
The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of different microvascular techniques in breast reconstruction with the analysis of postoperative complications. The additional goal of the study is to analyze the qualit...
miRNA-146a-5p is upregulated in serum and cartilage samples of patients with osteoarthritis
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a widely prevalent joint disease leading to motor disability and pain. Appropriate indicators for identifying patients at risk for this progressive disease, identifying molecular even...