Ліберальний плюралізм та політика багато культурності в Центральній та Східній Європі (аналіз поглядів В. Кімліки)
Journal Title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу - Year 2016, Vol 33, Issue
Will Kymlicka is widely known in the world for the research in the field of the theoretical princi-ples of liberal pluralism and justification of the policy of multiculturalism. In his scientific work, he pays attention not onlyto his native Canada but also draws attention to other regions of the world, in-cluding Central and Eastern Europe. The scientist asks whether the export of Western model of liberal pluralism and multiculturalism policies available in the region? Are Western models of multicultural-ism and minority rights relevant for the post-Communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe? In the following article, we analyze Will Kymlicka’s views on this issue. Kymlicka explains why con-ventional ways of distinguishing between ethnic relations in the East and West do not help in under-standing or responding to ethnic conflicts in the post-Communist world. He argues why the states of Central and Eastern Europe are not inherent in the territorial autonomy in their state building. He also argues why federalism as a form of government is not the solution of interethnic interaction’s prob-lems. In addition, Will Kymlicka tries to highlight the unique characteristics of the region, which do not suggest the possibility of the introduction of liberal pluralism and multiculturalism in Central and Eastern Europe in the near future.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleh Kozachuk
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