Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 19
Статтю присвячено вивченню анонсів до фільмів різних жанрів, створених у ФРН у кінці ХХ – на початку ХХІ століття в лінгвопрагматичному аспекті. Особлива увага приділяється функції тексту кіноанонсу впливати на емоційну сферу потенційного глядача в якості реклами, структури кіноанонсу та вибору певної палітри лексичних, граматичних, синтаксичних та стилістичних засобів, що сприяють реалізації його прагматичного потенціалу. У роботі систематизовані наукові погляди на проблему надання кіноанонсу статусу окремого мовного жанру. The article analizes announcements for films of different genres, created in Federal Republic of Germany in the late XX – early XIX centuries in terms of linguistic pragmatism. Much attention is given to the capacity of the text of advanced advertisements to influence the emotional sphere of eventual spectator as advertisement, structure of advanced advertisement and choice of special lexical, grammatical, syntactic and stylistic peculiarities that promote implementation of its pragmatic potential. In the article are arranged scientific views on the problem of granting advanced advertisement the status of a separate language genre. The scientists pay attention to the film exploration as a semantic system, that is established primarily by implemented in scenario language expressions. Every modern film is accompanied by short informative text message that is of equal importance as the motion picture. It is justifiable, because due to the considerable amount of films and powerful film industry competition it is necessary to use all possible ways to draw spectator’s attention. An important resource, influencing human’s interest and emotional sphere, is not only bright advertisement, but a successful use of the art of writing, that is realized in the text message. The main functions of the texts of movie avenues is informative (cognitive) and advertising functions. When they interact, there are language works that have certain linguistic and extra-linguistic features, such as: a clear syntactic structure, a pragmatic orientation that is achieved through the use of figurative vocabulary with a large number of predictive value indications, metaphorical descriptions, sometimes using irony, verbose, which creates the dynamics of artistic action, repetitions, symbols, historical and cultural realities, geographical names, personalities, as well as graphic means with the use of different fonts, with the allocation of individual meaningfully words, and vivid visibility. In the modern information-oriented society announcement becomes a subject of studies as separate text. Advanced advertisement as language and journalistic genre fulfills such functions as informative (cognitive), promotional etc. Advanced advertisement has certain linguistic and extra linguistic features: precise syntactic structure, pragmatic orientation, that is achieved by the use of image vocabulary with a considerable amount of denominations of estimating impact, verb series, that produces dynamics of art performance, repetitions, symbols, historical and cultural reality, geographic names with the usage of different prints, with the accentuation of separate especially necessary words and visual expression.
Authors and Affiliations
Юлія Олександрівна Пивовар
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