
У статті розглянуто антитоталітарний пафос прози Дж. Орвелла і Б. Пільняка, здійснено порівняльний аналіз основних методологічних засобів реалізації авторської позиції щодо реалій тоталітарного суспільства, виявлено як схожі риси, так і їх відмінності у створенні художнього образу тоталітаризму в творчості письменників, показано їх значення у формуванні опозиційно-гуманістичного напряму в радянській та світовій літературі першої половини ХХ століття. The article reviews anti-totalitarian pathos of the prose written by G. Orwell and B. Pilniak, performs the comparative analysis of the main methodological ways of realization of authors’ attitude to the realities of the totalitarian society, reveals both alike and different traits of creation of the image of totalitarianism in the writers’ works, shows their value in the formation of the oppositional-humanistic literature in the soviet and world literature of the first half of the XX century. In spite of the fact that the story «Groom at Midnight» by B. Pilniak and the tale «Animal Farm» by G. Orwell were written in different countries and in different periods of the world history, there is much in common between them not only at the level of problematics but also poetics. In «Groom at Midnight» the author fulfilled the attempt of paradigm analysis of the state model, based on the thoughtless submission of all members of this impersonal society to their despotic Father and Mother, who govern the state of termites. There in an obvious stratification in the state: Mother and Father; engineers; soldiers and workers; cripples and slaves. And far from the sight soldiers kill the representatives of the last group. In «Animal Farm» were reproduced all signs of the totalitarian state model which had been gradually established in animal society after their rebellion and usurpation of power. As in any totalitarian society we observe monopolization of power in the hands of one political force, formal admitting of citizens to political life and actual estrangement from them, the unwillingness of power to facilitate life of its country, ignoring of law, and absence of legal justice. Execution of rebellious animals takes place at short notice of Napoleon without any court and investigation. In both works the actions of animals cause the crash of everyday human life (the allusion to the crash of tsar's Russian empire and revolt against tsar’s Nicholas II family). At the same time, the life of animals under the burden of authoritarian power also becomes unbearable. While the farm beasts as well as termites incessantly work for the sake of social benefit, their leaders take away the best fruits of their labour and abuse their power more and more. Having continued the traditions of the founders of antiutopian genre, Pilniak and Orwell altered them to some extent. Instead of depicting the totalitarian state as a machine-monster they chose the anthropomorphic method for their works which let them emphasize the unnaturalness and hellishness of country formation according to the laws of violence to human life and contrary to nature’s principles.

Authors and Affiliations

Inna Podhurska


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Inna Podhurska (2017). ПОРІВНЯЛЬНИЙ АНАЛІЗ АНТИУТОПІЧНОЇ ПРОЗИ ДЖ. ОРВЕЛЛА І Б. ПІЛЬНЯКА («СКОТНИЙ ДВІР», «ЖЕНИХ ОПІВНОЧІ»). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 69-74. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432873