Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 1
The trees of Robinia pseudoacacia L. that grow in different parts of the slope vary in height. The greatest number of instances of plots 1 belongs to the category 14,1 – 16 m and 12,1 – 14,0 m heights, representing 29,0 % and 24,7 % of the total amount (figure 1). The height greater than 18,1 m with 5,5 % of plants. Individuals height from 4 to 6 m absent. In the middle third of the plantation hill largest number refers to the shades of trees 4 – 6 m and 6,1 – 8 meters. Their number is 31,6 % and 26,3 % respectively. There were no plants with heights in the range of 14,1 – 16,1 m and 16 – 18 m, while the bottom of the slope of the ravine number of trees (PP1) with diameters values constituted 24,7 % and 9,7 % of the total number. The largest number of trees in the upper third slope attributed to shades of 6,1 – 8,1 m and 8 – 10 m, which is 30,7 % and 24,6 % respectively. The same number of plants Robinia pseudoacacia L. heights within 10,1 – 12 m and 12,1 – 14 m – 13,8 %. Individuals higher than 18,1 m in the plantation were not found. So, plant test sites differ in terms of heights. The largest quantities of plants characterized bottom of the slope. Growth of trees middle part of the slope was suppressed in respect of plants plots 1. Intermediate position occupied by the plant upper third slope. Bondability planting in the bottom of the ravine – III, in the middle and upper parts of the slope – IV. The distribution of trees Robinia pseudoacacia L. in thickness showed that the first plots the most of them concentrated in gradations of 24,1 – 26,0 cm, 26,1 – 28 cm and 28,1 – 30 cm, which is 18 %, 28 %, 13,98 % and 13,98 % respectively (figure 2). A tree with a diameter of less than 14 cm is not, and the number of those assigned to graduation 52 – 56 cm is 4,30 %. In other plots trees of Robinia pseudoacacia L. with this degree of thickness absent. The second plots the middle third of the slope, the number of trees with a degree of thickness 0 – 14 cm is only 2,1 % and all of them relate to grading 8,1 – 10 cm. The overwhelming number of instances in diameter 18,1 – 20 cm, which is 22,0 %. In gradations 20,1 – 22 cm and 22,1 – 24,0 cm the same and their number is 17,89 % of the total number of trees of the plots. Plants with larger diameter much smaller than the lower third of the slope. In the range of 28,1 – 30,0 cm – number of trees in 4,5 times less than in plots 1. In the research area in the upper third slope, the largest number of trees with diameters in the range of 22 – 28 cm, is 61,46 %, even at 5,55 % more than in the lower third of the slope. However, in this test areas with a diameter smaller plants 32,1 – 34 cm even at 7,6 % and 28,1 – 30 % even at 4,4% higher than the bottom of the slope, but more than in the middle third of the trees slope. The upper third slope acclivous than average. Angle 20 ° – this creates better conditions for detention rain. The calculation of the average diameter of the largest plantations indicates its value plots 1 and at least two plots (table 1). Calculated the amount of planes cross sections, the average cross-sectional area, planting stock. The amount of plantings area cross-section also differs plots, while there is the same pattern as the index for the average diameter. In the middle third of the trees hill, this value is – 65,44 %, and in the upper third slope – 58,02 % of the figure for the planes of the lower third of the slope. Most growing conditions of Robinia pseudoacacia L. affected planting stock: PP1 – 210.3 m3/ha PP2 – 94.5 m3/ha, PP3 – 49.0 m3/ha (table 2). Also small size stock on the upper third slope due significantly fewer trees compared to other research areas because of their apostasy and cutting, as in the vicinity of the village is "Viyskove". If the number of trees in the first and second plots of 465 and 478 units/ha, respectively, at the third – 222 units/ha. Проведен анализ лесо-таксационных характеристик искусственного насаждения робинии псевдоакации в разных частях склона байрака Войсковое. Наихудшие условия для роста деревьев робинии псевдоакации в средней части склона, про что свидетельствует сопоставление показателей распределения высот и диаметров по градациям, а также бонитет. Наименьший запас имеет насаждение на верхней трети склона вследствие массового вырубания деревьев на этом участке, который граничит с населённым пунктом «Войсковое».
Authors and Affiliations
Бессонова В. П. , Нємченко М. В. , Кучма В. М. Bessonova V. P, Nemchenko M. V. , Kuchma V. M.
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