Main aspects to ethnization Byzantine culture of Kyiv Rusterritory

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5


This article reveals the peculiarities of Christianity in Kyiv Rus territory and stresses that it remained the foreign religion of the Kyivan state, which, on the one hand, sought to became the equivalent part of contemporary international life and join the civilized progress, on the other – did not want and could not recognize the superiority and external influence. As a result, not only the people, but also among the educated population has long remained alive old beliefs that determined not only the national originality of thinking, but basic ideological intentions Christianized culture of Kyivan Rus. Organic synthesis of Christian and pagan worldview, formed on the territory of Kyiv Rus, most fully manifested in the iconography, which rightfully can be called ideological calling card of that time.

Authors and Affiliations

Olʹha Bohomolets


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How To Cite

Olʹha Bohomolets (2015). Main aspects to ethnization Byzantine culture of Kyiv Rusterritory. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(5), 134-143.