Managing Employees of Various Ages as an Aspect of Diversity Management: ILSS Research

Journal Title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi - Year 2016, Vol 110, Issue 3


Effective human resource management that is to ultimately bring tangible business results is tied with the need to define the set of instruments serving the building of engagement. This article presents the results of surveys into the opinions and expectations of employees by age groups as well as studies of employers in terms of diversity management, especially age management*. The analysis is intended to identify effective factors in the building of engagement in the context of age diversity.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Sajkiewicz


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How To Cite

Barbara Sajkiewicz (2016). Managing Employees of Various Ages as an Aspect of Diversity Management: ILSS Research. Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi, 110(3), 55-67.