Marketing research of the contemporary market of parapharmaceuticals based on wine

Journal Title: Вісник фармації - Year 2019, Vol 97, Issue 1


Nowadays, eco-trends are spreading widely in various fields, as well as in parapharmacy. Enotherapy or wine therapy is promising and little studied. Enotherapy is engaged in studying the healing properties of wines. As part of modern cosmetics the grapeseed oil, grape extracts, as well as natural red wine are actively used. Aim. To analyze the modern parapharmaceutical market of Ukraine and European countries in order to create new parapharmaceuticals with the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerative effect. Materials and methods. The logical and analytical methods for analyzing the data of the specialized literature and the regulatory framework, as well as the data on the parapharmaceuticals presented at the Ukrainian market were used in the work. Results and discussion. The analysis of the Ukrainian market conducted has determined that parafarmaceuticals, which include red or white wine and their extracts, are mainly represented by foreign products. The most widespread formulations with wines and their extracts are masks, creams and sera in the form of emulsions, gels or creamgels. In Ukraine, there is a sufficient raw material base of wine materials; therefore, the production of such products is relevant and promising. Conclusions. The variety of existing products based on wine is not sufficiently widespread; therefore, a promising direction is creation of new domestic parapharmaceuticals with the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect.

Authors and Affiliations

О. V. Lebedynets, Sv. M. Kovalenko, S. V. Breusova


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  • EP ID EP640252
  • DOI 10.24959/nphj.19.2237
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How To Cite

О. V. Lebedynets, Sv. M. Kovalenko, S. V. Breusova (2019). Marketing research of the contemporary market of parapharmaceuticals based on wine. Вісник фармації, 97(1), 33-38.