Marketing strategies in management of industrial enterprises logistics systems


The article describes the main scientific and practical problems of marketing optimization of logistic systems. It was found that the development of the modern economy is accompanied by problems of uncontrolled increasing costs and complexity of doing business. The features and complexity of the development of logistic management of business networks of Ukrainian enterprises are shown. The attention is focused on perspective directions of increase of efficiency of logistic and network-cluster optimization of interaction of enterprises: the possibilities of improvement in the management of existing logistic operations (short-term and long-term) are determined; the optimal logistics infrastructure was designed in the light of long-term business development; the optimization of demand and supply chain planning processes for the real demand orientation and integration is determined. The effectiveness of marketing concepts and strategies as the basis for the harmonization of the logistic interaction of participants in socio-economic systems is proved. However, methodologies and performance indicators of marketing in development of logistic systems need further improvement. That will be the subject of the future publications.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Shafalyuk


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How To Cite

Oleksandr Shafalyuk (2018). Marketing strategies in management of industrial enterprises logistics systems. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 89-98.