Вплив циклічності економічного розвитку на ринок праці України / Impact of cyclicity of economic development on the national labour market


У статті узагальнено основні теоретичні концепції до визначення та класифікації видів економічних циклів; проведено аналітичні дослідження циклічності розвитку національної економіки; обґрунтовано напрями впливу економічних циклів на попит, пропозицію та рівень заробітної плати як основних складових ринку праці; проведено статистичне дослідження закономірностей функціонування національного ринку праці відповідно до закону Оукена. The cyclical nature of economic development is one of the market self-regulation feature. Economic dynamics is accompanied by ignificant changes in conditions of capital market, consumer goods and services, technology, raw materials and labour market as well. Aim of the article is the grounding of the impact of cyclical economic development on the national labour market. Results. The essence and types of economic cycles on their duration are defined; levels, phases and stages of economic dynamics are investigated. Based on studies of real GDP growth, found that independent Ukraine’s economy is characterized by several cycles of varying lengths: 1) the average Kuznets cycle (1994–2014), which is based on emographic changes; 2) two medium-term cycles Zhuhlyara (1191–2002; 2003–2013), based on a change in investment activity; 3) five short cycles Kitchyna (1991–1996; 1997–2001; 2002–2005; 2009–2014; 2006–2009.), which are based on changes in working capital and reserves of material and technical values. Cyclical economic development has an impact on the functioning of the labour market. Dynamics of real GDP determines the change in real wages. Real GDP growth in Ukraine is accompanied by a decline in economic activity and employment, contrary to economic logic; however, it is the evidence of the shadow labour market. The relationship between unemployment and real GDP in Ukraine according to Okun’s law is not clearly traced. Therefore, the macroeconomic forecasting in Ukraine according to the Okun’s law is not possible.

Authors and Affiliations

Галина Юрчик


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How To Cite

Галина Юрчик (2017). Вплив циклічності економічного розвитку на ринок праці України / Impact of cyclicity of economic development on the national labour market. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 40(), 35-49. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-270917