
One of the most problematic aspects of education is the financial aspect. Recently, there are more and more discussions about the effectiveness of the financial mechanism in the field of education, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the national financing systems in different countries of the world. One of the tools for improving the financial mechanism in education can be policy rules. The rules should be reasonable to become an effective instrument of regulation. One of the reasons for the constant theoretical and applied interest in policy rules, in our opinion, is the need for their permanent specification, modification under the new conditions, specialization. The rules have advantages over discrete actions, at least, as they ensure greater predictability of consequences of government actions and specify liable parties. The assumption that the substantiation of financial rules for educational sector involves several iterative steps (stages) is the basis of our study. The substantiation can be completed with the formalization of equations, where the endogenous variables will be specific indicators of financing education sector. Thus can be stated the quantitative targets for the government function and controlling its activities, as well as certain basis for our expectations. The rules should be reasonable to become an effective instrument of regulation.

Authors and Affiliations

Віра Усик


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  • EP ID EP531705
  • DOI 10.33111/sedu.2018.43.105.117
  • Views 103
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How To Cite

Віра Усик (2018). ПОРЯДОК ВСТАНОВЛЕННЯ ФІНАНСОВИХ ПРАВИЛ В СФЕРІ ОСВІТИ: ПРИКЛАДНИЙ АСПЕКТ. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 43(), 105-117. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-531705