Maszyna parowa jako medium tęsknoty. Podróż do Ziemi Świętej z Neapolu Juliusza Słowackiego.
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 48
The aim of the paper is to present a poetryof JuliuszSłowacki by using media theoryas a framework. The author investigates theexperience of poets journey by a steamboat inPodróż do Ziemi Świętej z Neapolu. In this poemthe poet applied the organic metaphors todescribe the machine. According to SiegfriedZielinski the author claims that it can be understoodas an attempt to domesticate the new andstrange machine and inscribe it in the culturalorder as something natural. It warrants the newapproach to the romantic notion of machines.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Urbanowicz
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