Математичне моделювання затікання токсичного газу у приміщення при аварії на промисловому майданчику

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 2


MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF TOXIC GAS APPLICATIONINDOORS ACCIDENTS AT INDUSTRIAL SITES Biliaiev M.M., Biliaieva V.V., Berlov O.V., Kalashnikov I.V. Abstract A numerical model is presented for calculating the dynamics of air pollution inside the premises when it is sharpened, through a system of ventilation, contaminated with atmospheric air. The simulation process is based on the use of two-and three-dimensional levels of mass transfer. The aerodynamics of air flow in an open area, in the presence of buildings, is modeled on the basis of the two-dimensional equation of vortex-free flows of an ideal fluid — the Laplace equation for the velocity potential. To simulate the aerodynamics of indoor air flow, a three-dimensional equation is used for the velocity protonality. To simulate the process of dispersion of a chemically hazardous substance in an open area, under the conditions of development, a two-dimensional equation of convective-diffusion dispersion of the pollutant is used. To simulate the process of dispersion of a chemically hazardous substance indoors, taking into account the placement in the room of furniture and other objects, the three-dimensional equation of convective-diffusion dispersion of the pollutant is used. The numerical solution of the two-dimensional Laplace equation for the velocity potential is found with the help of an implicit difference scheme for the total approximation. For the numerical integration of the three-dimensional Laplace equation for the velocity potential, the alternating-triangular method is used. А.А. Samara. For the numerical integration of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional equations of pollutant transport in the atmosphere, an alternately triangular implicit difference scheme is used. A computer program has been developed in the FORTRAN language. On the basis of the developed numerical models, a computational experiment was carried out. The process of short-term ammonia emission at the industrial site was simulated numerically. There were three buildings on the site. The process of toxic gas flowing inside the building, located frontally to the emission source, was investigated. On the basis of numerical modeling, the structure of pollution zones was determined, which were formed indoors and on the industrial site. The results of a computational experiment showed that the developed numerical model allows one to simulate the spread of chemically hazardous substances in areas with a complex geometric shape. References [1] Belyaev N.N., Gunko E.Yu. Rostochilo N.V. Zashchita zdanij ot proniknoveniya v nih opasnyh veshchestv : monografiya [Protection of buildings against the entry of hazardous substances into them: monograph]. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 136 p. [2] Belyaev N.N., Belyaeva V.V., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Prognozirovanie urovnya zagryazneniya vozdushnoj sredy v pomeshcheniyah : monografiya [Prediction of indoor air pollution levels: monograph]. Dnepropetrovsk, 2015. 123 p. [3] Belyaev M.M., Berlov O.V., Kirichenko P.S. Matematychne modelyuvannya v zadachax promyslovoyi bezpeky ta oxoronypraci : monografiya [Mathematical modelling in the problems of industrial safety and labor protection : monograph]. Kryvyj Rig, 2017. 130 p. [4] Belyaev N.N., Berlov A.V., Shevchenko A.V. Modelirovanie avarijnogo zagryazneniya atmosfery pri chrezvychajnoj situatsii v hranilishche tverdogo raketnogo topliva [Simulation of accidental air pollution in an emergency situation in the storage of solid rocket fuel]. Nauka ta progres transportu, 2014, no. 5(53), pp. 29-38 (in Russian). [5] Marchuk G.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie v probleme okruzhayushchej sredy a progres transportu [Mathematical modelling in environmental issues]. Moscow, 1982. 320 p. [6] Zgurovskiy M.Z., Skopetskiy V.V., Khrushch V.K. and Belyaev N.N. Chislennoye modelirovaniye rasprostraneniya zagryazneniya v okruzhayushchey srede [Numerical modeling of pollution spreading in the environment]. Kyiv, 1997. 368 p. (in Russian). [7] Barret A.M. Mathematical Modeling and Decision Analysis for Terrorism Defense: Assessing Chlorine Truck Attack Consequence and Countermeasure Cost Effectivness. Dissertation. Pittsburg, 2009. 123 p. [8] Biliaiev M.M., Kharytonov M.M Numerical Simulation of Indoor Air Pollution and Atmosphere Pollution for Regions Having Complex Topography “Numerical Simulation of Indoor Air Pollution and Atmosphere Pollution for Regions Having Complex Topography” Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXI (Springer), NATO Science for Peace and Security. Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 87–91, 2012. (references) [9] Chan W.R., Nazaroff W.W., Price P.N., Gadgil A.J. Effectiveness of Urban Shelter-in-Place. II Residental Districts, 2008. 31 p. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.04.059

Authors and Affiliations

М. М. Біляєв, В. В. Біляєва, О. В. Берлов, І. В. Калашніков


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  • EP ID EP444611
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.2(39)2018.154227
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How To Cite

М. М. Біляєв, В. В. Біляєва, О. В. Берлов, І. В. Калашніков (2018). Математичне моделювання затікання токсичного газу у приміщення при аварії на промисловому майданчику. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 95-101. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-444611