Моделювання середньозваженої крупності твердого в завантаженні кульового млина рудою і пісками класифікатора

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


MODELING OF THE MEDIUM-WEIGHTED FINENESS SOLID IN THE LOADING OF THE BALL MILL OF THE ORE AND THE SAND OF THE CLASSIFIER Matsui A.N., Kondratets V.A. Abstract One of the key issues to improve the efficiency of ore preparation is the optimization of pulp liquefaction in a ball mill. Since this problem can not be solved without a model of the weighted average particle size of a solid ball mill, this work is actual. The purpose of this publication is to simulate the weighted average particle size of a solid in the ball mill loading ore and classifier sands, aimed to find a mathematical model of the technological parameter. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were accomplished: a closed cycle test procedure was developed; it was tested in industrial conditions; a mathematical model for determining the weighted average size of a solid was developed. First of all, a technique for testing a closed grinding cycle was developed, which basically consisted of determining the technological points of the test, establishing the minimum value of the material samples and the number of samples to ensure the accuracy of the results obtained. Selected samples of material were dried, mixed, reduced to the minimum value of mass. Reduced samples were scattered. As a result of the dispersion of the samples, the characteristics of the size of the material were obtained by the size classes. According to cuts and mill productivity, the productivity of the sands of the classifier was calculated. The weighted average size of the initial ore and sands of the classifier was also determined. A total of four cycle tests were carried out for different ore sizes and conveyor weights. According to the test data and the recalculations performed, the weighted average size of the material at the entrance of the ball mill was determined. The same data, obtained from the average values of the size and productivity of the initial ore and sands, coincided with great accuracy with the earlier traditional approach. On the basis of this, a mathematical model is established to determine the weighted average particle size of a ball mill at the input of a ball mill by parameters that can be automatically measured. Tests of the closed cycle of ore grinding in industrial conditions according to the developed technique gave the results, which became the basis for its modeling. As a result, a mathematical model is obtained for finding the weighted average particle size of a solid ball at the entrance of a ball mill for certain productivity and the average size of the crushing and grinding particles in the initial ore and sands of the classifier. The prospect of further development is the creation of a more progressive automatic control system for grinding ore in closed cycles. References [1] Pivnjak G. G., Vajsberg L. 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Authors and Affiliations

А. М. Мацуй, В. О. Кондратець


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А. М. Мацуй, В. О. Кондратець (2017). Моделювання середньозваженої крупності твердого в завантаженні кульового млина рудою і пісками класифікатора. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 59-66. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277105