Mathematical induction in proving of theorems about natural numbers divisibility
Journal Title: Problemy Nauk Stosowanych - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue
Introduction and aims: This paper presents the concept of the division of mathematical expressions with natural variable related to the problem of divisibility. The paper shows some proofs of selected problem. The main aim of this paper is to show a few proofs of theorems about divisibility of expressions by using the method of mathematical induction. Material and methods: In this paper have been solved examples from different sources. Considered problems contain: only polynomials, the sum of powers of different bases (and constant as a component), the sum of the products of powers with different bases (and constant as a component), the sum of the powers and polynomials, the sum of the products of powers and polynomials, the sum containing the power of (-1), Fibonacci sequence, the expression containing a power of the power and problems containing power in divider. In the paper has been used the method of mathematical induction. Results: It has been shown 16 proofs of problems by using mathematical induction. In some examples have been used the additional lemmas which complete the main proof. Conclusion: Using some properties of divisibility theorems and the theorem about mathematical induction allow to show proofs which refer to the divisibility by natural number of various mathematical expressions with natural variable n.
Authors and Affiliations
Krystyna Żywuszko, Andrzej Antoni Czajkowski
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