Mecanisme de realizare a referendumului în practica internațională – cazul statelor cu democrații consolidate și statele din spațiul post-sovietic
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
In this paper we will bring to the attention of the referendum practice in different states, in the light of the evolution of the affirmation of the citizens' rights with the enlargement of democracy. We will elucidate the specifics of the application of the mechanism of citizen participation in the European states and former republics of the USSR. On a comparative plan, we will identify both, common and individual aspects of the referendum, relying on Swiss novel, a novel form of participatory democracy, preserved almost in its form from the beginnings (Athenian democracy). The article also contains data on the organi-zation of international referendums, the results of the consultations, as well as statistics on the degree of application and use of the plebiscites.
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